Award for International Women's Day, should be awarded to this Lady -

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  • March 8, 2022 | Uncategorized

Award for International Women’s Day, should be awarded to this Lady. All Mothers and Ladies deserve the smart bunker from their every day chorus.Should it be Animal Feeds, Wood Pellets, Coal.

Must Read,

The Customer called, said he needed 2 smart bunkers delivered tomorrow ASAP. I asked what are you needing them for ? and why the hurry ?His reply is Animal feed as i have a problem. I ask what do you mean ?.

He said, went out the back and heard this screaming down the yard, run down and seen 2 legs hanging out of the wheelie bin, when i got the wife out i said what where you doing

She replied trying to get the feed at the bottom of the bin and fell in

She told the husband if 2 smart bunkers aren’t in this yard by tomorrow you can do your own feeding from now on

Approved & Tested By CAFRE College Animal Feeds storage

Approved By HETAS for Wood Pellets & Coal Storage

Approved by Balcas Energy Approved for Wood Pellets Storage

There’s a new, award winning product that’s sweeping across homes, yards and farms throughout Ireland and the UK.

The Smart Bunker is here! There’s a new, award winning product that’s sweeping across homes, yards and farms throughout Ireland.It’s called the Smart Bunker and it’s changing the way Animal feed, Coal, Wood Pellets is handled.

Why?It makes struggling with feed a thing of the past. Gone are the days where you have to scoop out feed from the bottom of a bin, instead a quick pull of the handle and your feed was dispensed in a quick, effortless way.

Here’s the top 5 reasons people are in love with the Smart Bunker… First in First out, Feed Rotation System Prevents any feed waste Completely vermin proof Quick and easy to use Suitable for outdoor or indoor use, Fully Waterproof To find out more about why these Smart Bunkers are becoming so popular, by clicking the button below…

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