November 2017 -

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Archive: Nov 2017

  1. The Smart Bunker is off to the Agribusiness Awards Ireland 2017!

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    The Smart Bunker is of next week for the biggest award in Ireland #AgribusAwards Agribusiness Awards 2017!
    As a way of thanks we are giving away a Smart Bunker Competition rules smartly enter your email to place the answer that’s its A, B, or both A BScreen Shot 2017-10-24 at 21.18.32Screen Shot 2017-10-31 at 14.27.50
    What would you use The Smart Bunker for ?
    If you’re not in, you can’t win
    Share to yours friends and Family that would benefit having a smart bunker for Christmas

  2. The Smart Bunker is off to the UK Farm Business Innovation awards Show 2017

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    Award 2017Screen Shot 2017-10-24 at 21.18.32

    The Smart Bunker is of next week for the biggest award in UK
    for Farm Business Innovation Show 2017
    As a way of thanks we are giving away a Smart Bunker Competition rules smartly enter your email to place the answer that’s its A, B, Or Both A,B.
    What would you use The Smart Bunker for ?
    If you’re not in, you can’t win
    Share to yours friends and Family that would benefit having a smart bunker for Christmas