AWARDS don’t get any better than this. The worlds smartest smart bunker. IRELANDS ALL STARS BUSINESS AWARDS
We have been awarded the coveted Business All-Star One To Watch Accreditation. It is an independently verified standard mark for businesses based on rigorous selection criteria. #businessallstars
@BizAllStars“The Smart Bunker has successfully navigated 3 rounds of auditing which proved their performance, trust and customer–centricity.
The auditing process has left us in no doubt as to The Smart Bunker’s suitability for Business All–Star accreditation and their inclusion in The Register of Irish Business Excellence (TRIBE).
The SmartBunker is a simple solution to an age-old problem of handling and storage.
1. ANIMAL FEED/FOOD PRODUCTS – kept clean, dry and in good, safe conditions – extend the use-by date; protecting animals & people who eat them.
2. WOOD PELLETS & COAL – kept dry to ensure full fuel value, protect burners/stoves/flue liners and prevent emissions
3. ICE TREATMENT PRODUCTS – kept where needed, safe and secure, with extended life in storage – protect people and property
4. NO SHOVEL REQUIRED! – materials kept at perfect height for loading and discharge, child’s play to manage heavy materials, tiny footprint of c.6 square feet/0.6m2